
Claims Home /Services /Claims


The Motor Vehicles Insurance Limited (MVIL) is responsible to assess claims and compensate victims of motor vehicle accidents. Claimants must notify MVIL immediately if they have been involved in a motor vehicle accident. They can make a claim for injuries sustained or for a deceased person(s).

  • Sections
  • 1. How To Make A Claim
  • 2. Insurance Payout Eligibility
  • 3. What You Can Claim
  • 4. Download Forms

How To Make A Claim

Your claim for an insurance payout will be against Motor Vehicles Insurance Limited (MVIL). Note that the vehicle owner has NO legal obligation to pay you compensation or damages.

If you want to make a claim, you must:

  • Make sure the accident is reported to the Police.
  • Write a letter to MVIL saying you intend to claim and complete the Claims Lodgement Form.

* You must do this within six (6) months from the date the accident happened.

When submitting your intention, include:

  • Police Accident Report
  • Medical Reports
  • Confirmation from the vehicle owner
  • Other relevant documents

Claimants have the option to engage a lawyer to act on their behalf.

If you, or your lawyer(s), have not made a claim within six (6) months after the accident date, you must write to:

The Insurance Commissioner
P.O. Box 122
Port Moresby 121
National Capital District
Papua New Guinea

Upon your request, the Insurance Commissioner will assess and respond accordingly.

If you prepare to ask the National Court to proceed, you should ask for assistance from a lawyer to present your application to the court. In each case you must give an acceptable reason as to why you have not made a claim in time.

You must submit both police and medical reports with your request to make a claim out of time. If you do not, your application will be refused.

Should either the Commissioner or Court give consent then you must write within the new period that you have been given. If you have any questions regarding your claim or reporting the accident to MVIL, then you should ask for assistance from either the Claims Officer handling your claim or your lawyer.

If you require further clarification you should talk to your lawyer or the MVIL Claims Manager through 302 4600.


You can obtain Compulsory Third Party Insurance, Motor Vehicle Registration, Driver’s License, and lodge Compulsory Third Party Claims at the MVIL Head Office, Kunai Street, Hohola, as well as any other branches in Papua New Guinea.

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